Friday, February 10, 2017

Are We In Good Hands?

On Thursday, February 9th, 2017, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called on President Donald Trump to withdraw his nominee, Andrew Puzder, for head Labor Department when recognizing his record as a business executive as well as his position on labor issues.  As stated by CNN politics, Senate Schumer commented, "They ought to withdraw Mr. Puzder before he further embarrasses this administration and further exposes the hypocrisy of President Trump, who says one thing to the American worker and does another." Also including Bernie Sanders who stated in a Twitter post, "we don't need a labor secretary who makes $10 million a year, while his workers are paid starvation wages and live in homeless shelters." As a government student and an American citizen, I agree with Sanders and Schumer, must we have someone represent our Labor Department when Puzder himself has his very own workers working "paid starvation wage," and living in homeless shelters? Is it okay to have someone with a background such as Andrew Puzder be America's representative for our Labor Department?

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